Ralph: ‘… and this explains why we need more production’ Sarah: ‘Could I just say something about this? I think we’re forgetting what’s really important. Our business needs to employ more people’
Mnozí středoškoláci se v případě neúspěchu při přijímacím řízení na vysokou školu rozhodnou studovat v jednoletém pomaturitním studiu a nejčastěji volí pomaturitní studium v některé z jazykových škol. Podle čeho si vybrat dobrou jazykovou školu a kdy se do ní zapsat? O aktuální situaci, nabídce jazykových škol v jednotlivých městech pro školní rok 2019/20 a zkušenostech...
Every year, I am always happy that spring is on its way and that winter is over. I enjoy the longer days, warmer weather and spending time in my garden. I also love all the new vegetables that are in season in spring – my favourite is asparagus, but I also love green beans and...
Champagne is made in France. This house was built in 1720. The room has been redecorated. We form the passive voice with the verb to be + past participle. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
Dear Diary,It’s another beautiful day, sunny and warm. Perfect! It’s Jenny’s birthday today. Brad and I are going to put some birthday decorations up and bake a cake. We’ve bought a lamp for Jenny and now Brad is trying to put all its parts together.
Tak nás zase v tom hokeji vyklepli. Druhá vět se už stává skoro tak známá jako úvodní věta Haškova slavného románu Švejk. Co naplat, život jde dál. I pro spoustu fanoušků, co byli na OH v Kanadě. Těm nezbylo než se vrátit domů.
Dear Mr. Sova,Thank you for your email asking about ways of handling the campaign for the ABC Company. I’m afraid I haven’t been able to contact you by telephone. I called several times yesterday but I was told that you were not available.
Eva Herzigová was born on March 10, 1973 in Litvínov, Czech Republic. She was active in many sports, such as gymnastics, basketball, track, and cross-country skiing but when she was sixteen years old she entered and won a beauty contest in Prague.
Complete these sentences using the most suitable expressions from the box. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary. Správné odpovědi najdete na konci článku!
Dear Diary,I finally got a teaching job! It’s at a language school in the centre (it should be easy to take the metro directly there) that teaches many languages, not just English. The Director wants me to take over a few classes from another teacher who is leaving Prague.