
The school systems in both Great Britain and America are quite similar in general, but there are many small differences across both the countries.Pojďte si s námi zopakovat svoji angličtinu a své znalosti.

At the age of three or four some children start nursery school in England and Wales. In America most children start kindergarten at the age of four. Everyone starts primary school at the age of five, but primary school is usually called elementary or basic school in the States. Each day students will have five or six lessons. The subjects may change day to day but usually include maths, social studies, history, physical education (generally called PE ), science of some type, music, art, geography and English.

Anywhere from the age of 11 in England to 14 or 15 in some US states, students start secondary school. Students in England can finish their secondary studies as early as the age of 16, but most of these will continue their studies with some sort of vocational training which prepares them to work e. g. as a cook or a secretary. Many students, however, finish their secondary studies at eighteen and take final exams known as A levels. Their exam scores help determine if they will get into the university or college of their choice. 



nursery school – školka ve VB
kindergarten – školka v USA
primary school – základní škola VB
elementary/basic school – základní
škola USA
lessons – vyučovací hodiny
subject – předmět
social studies – společenské vědy
secondary school – střední škola
vocational training – praktická
final exam – závěrečná zkouška/
determine – určit
university/college – univerzita

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