Saying goodbye – email

Dear all,This e-mail is to inform everyone that, as of the end of this month, I shall be leaving Lemming and Foster for new challenges and fresh opportunities.


While it is time for me to move on, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate to each and every one of you how much I have enjoyed the experience of working with you all in such an exciting position over the last twelve months, and that I am sure you’ll all agree that I have learnt so much from my time here. Furthermore, what is truly important is that I have not only developed significantly professionally, but I have also met some really wonderful people, and I value the relationships that we have built together, especially with my colleagues in sales and marketing.

Finally and most importantly, I would like to say that it has been great working here with you all and I hope we will keep in touch in the future – hopefully at another fantastic conference or seminar!

Yours sincerely,
James Watkins-Smythe, MBA
Marketing Assistant


as of the end of the month – ke konci (tohoto) měsíce
to move on – jít dál/posunout se dál
to enjoy the experience – mít radost, že jsem měl možnost
to learn much from sth – mnoho se naučit/mnoho si odnést
to develop professionally – rozvinout profesní schopnosti
to value the relationships that we have built – vážit si navázaných vztahů
to be great – být skvělý
to keep in touch – zůstat v kontaktu

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