Making arrangements – email

Dear Mr. Sova,Thank you for your email asking about ways of handling the campaign for the ABC Company. I’m afraid I haven’t been able to contact you by telephone. I called several times yesterday but I was told that you were not available.

I’m planning a trip to Prague and I would like to arrange a meeting with you. I expect to arrive in Prague on Monday, May 24th on flight OK401 landing at Terminal 1 at 10:15 a.m. Could you be there to meet me? Also, I would be grateful if you could book hotel accommodation for three nights in the city centre for me if possible. I’m afraid I’m not free on that day for the meeting.

Could we make it for the following day instead, at 10 a.m.? If this isn’t possible, perhaps you could give me some idea of a convenient time for you. Could you please contact me personally or email me as soon as possible so that we agree on the exact time and place of our meeting?

In the meantime, you can study the document with my comments on the campaign that is attached to this email.

I look forward to seeing you in Prague.

Kind regards,

Jane Brown, Marketing Manager


handling – zajištění/zařizování
to be available – být k dispozici
I would be grateful – byl bych vděčný
Could we make it for … – Mohli bychom to domluvit na …

convenient – vhodný/vyhovující
to agree on – domluvit se na/shodnout se na
in the meantime – mezitím/zatím
I look forward to seeing you – Těším se na viděnou


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