Kate’s diary – part 2 (phrases with TAKE)

Dear Diary,I finally got a teaching job! It’s at a language school in the centre (it should be easy to take the metro directly there) that teaches many languages, not just English. The Director wants me to take over a few classes from another teacher who is leaving Prague.

He said that if everything goes well I’m free to take on more lessons if I want to next month. It won’t be easy but I think I can take the pressure. I’m so happy – I can hardly take it all in!

Next month is Jenny’s birthday. She’s really nice and a great roommate (unlike Brad who only seems to care about himself). I’ve really taken to her and I definitely want to take her out to someplace nice on her special day. Or maybe we could have a party! I’m sure Hana will have some good suggestions about where to go or what to do. Hana also suggested that I take up Czech. It’s a good idea, and it would be useful to be able to speak to some of the other Czechs at the school. Hana promised to help me and I’ll have to try and be a good student!


to take the metro – jet/jezdit metrem
to take over sth – převzít/ujmout se (něčeho)
to take on sth – přijmout/vzít si
to take the pressure – poradit si/vyrovnat se s

to take sth in – uvěřit (něčemu)/pochopit (něco)
to take to sb – oblíbit si (někoho)
to take sb out – vzít (někoho někam)
to take up sth – věnovat se (něčemu)/
zabývat se (něčím)


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pro vás ve spolupráci se svými lektory připravila celoroční seriál
výukových textů z angličtiny. Máte tak jedinečnou možnost procvičit si
gramatiku, obohatit slovní zásobu i zlepšit konverzační schopnosti.
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zveřejněny pouze po dobu 30 dní.

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