People who love city life may love the fact that there are plenty of things to do in the city. They usualy mean the nightlife (the cafés, discos, clubs and bars) or the culture (concerts, theater performancesand museum exhibits).
The center is also full of restaurants, shopping areas and an
interesting mix of people. Some people complain that the center is
crowded and that life in the city is stressful, dirty and
even dangerous, but it is also very exciting.
Big cities also offer opportunity and people come to study in the universities or for the jobs. Many companies will have their regional headquarters in the city and in bigger cities there are commercial centers, areas with lots of banks and company offices. The people who work there sometimes prefer to live in the suburbs where their houses usually have yards and plenty of space to park. On the outskirts of town you can also find industrial areas full of factories, warehouses and railway yards. These areas can be ugly and polluted. Also ugly, but very popular, are the shopping malls and their massive parking lots, which seem to appear at every highway junction.
nightlife – noční život complain – stěžovat si crowded – plný lidí stressful – stresující exciting – vzrušující regional headquarters – místní centrála |
suburb – předměstí plenty of space to park – hodně místa k parkování outskirts of town – okrajové části města ugly and polluted – ošklivý a špinavý highway junction – křižovatka silnic (dálnic) |
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