How do we really spend our time?

Did you know for example …?– Although people all over the world are working longer and longer hours, we also have more leisure time than ever before. 


– After sleeping and working, watching TV is the most popular leisure
activity the world over. The British watch more TV than any other nation
in Europe, but they also read more. 85% regularly read newspapers and
54% regularly read books.

– Although up to two thirds of modern European women work full-time, they still do the greatest share of the housework, too.

– According to the latest research by supermarkets, the average British family spends just eleven minutes preparing the main evening meal. Almost half of all families in the UK eat together only once a month or less.

– In the UK, pensioners are almost twice as active as teenagers. People over 65 spend nearly two hours a day doing physical activities such as walking, cycling and gardening, while teenagers spend only 75 minutes.

– The Swedes and Finns are the sportiest nationalities in Europe. 73% do some kind of sport at least once or twice a week.


although – ačkoli
leisure – volný
a share – podíl
a research – průzkum
average – průměrný
while – zatímco

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