Healthy lifestyle

These days many people think that good health is the most important thing in life, and that taking care of yourself is the key to looking good, feeling good, and living life the way you want to.

One of the main things to consider is your diet. What you eat and when you eat has a big influence on your general health. Many foods, although very tasty, are not very good for us. For example, try to
avoid eating fast food or frozen foods and food that are high in fats.

Too much red meat (like beef) can also cause some medical problems, like a heart attack. Try to eat fresh (and not processed) foods like fruits and vegetables whenever possible, and never eat late in the evening. A good diet will help you control your weight, which is also very important as obesity in some countries (especially the USA) is becoming a very serious health risk for many people.

It’s important to choose an activity that you enjoy like going to fitness centre, cycling or playing a team sport.


 healthy lifestyle – zdravý životní styl
key – klíč k
diet – stravování
influence – vliv
tasty – chutný
try to avoid – zkusit se vyhnout
high in fats – obsahovat množství
 red meat (beef) – tmavé maso
heart attack – infarkt
not processed food – předem
nezpracované (neupravené) jídlo
obesity – obezita
risk – riziko

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