Guy Fawkes day

Guy Fawkes was a member of a Roman Catholic gang of rebels. They were unhappy with the terrible way the Protestant rule, led by King James I, were treating the Catholics in England. The gang planned the famous Gunpowder Plot, in which they tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament with the king and other important Protestants inside.

Although a man called Robert Catesby led the actual plot, Guy Fawkes was in charge of placing and setting off the explosives under the building. The plot failed after Guy Fawkes was caught trying to light the gunpowder on the morning of November 5th, 1605. He was tortured, tried and executed along with other members of the gang. At first Guy Fawkes was regarded as an evil traitor, but now he’s  remembered as a national hero. Every year the British celebrate November 5th after it gets dark. They make big bonfires and burn effigies of Guy Fawkes while they roast sausages and bake potatoes on the fire. There are also lots of public and private firework displays, which remind people of exploding gunpowder.


rebels – povstalci/vzbouřenci/oponenti
to blow up sth – vyhodit do povětří/zničit výbuchem
to set off sth – odpálit
traitor – zrádce
bonfire – vatra/hranice/oheň
effigy – figurína/portrét
firework display – ohňostroj/rachejtle

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