Complaining – letter

Dear Sir/Madam:I am writing to complain about the quality of product and level of service I received from your company. Your advertisement states that ‘at AutoPro Car Rentals the customer is number one’. However, I found this not to be the case.

I recently rented a car through your company while in the Czech Republic on business, and must say I was completely dissatisfied with the experience. The representative at your office told me that 24 hour service was included in my rental fee and that the car was in perfect working order. You can imagine my shock when, only 30 km out of Prague, the car broke down. I called the customer helpline, but was very disappointed with the response of your representative, who told me that I would have to pay for repairs and that a replacement car would not be provided. As you can understand I was extremely displeased, and had to arrange for another car from a different company at considerable cost to myself.

I’m sure you’ll agree that this situation is completely unsatisfactory. To resolve this problem, I would be grateful if you could reimburse my personal costs and also provide a full refund for my car rental.
Steve Marsden, CEO InterCorp UK


I am writing to complain about … – Píši vám, abych podal stížnost
I found this not to be the case. – V tomto případě to tak nebylo.
to be completely dissatisfied – být naprosto nespokojený
to be very disappointed – být naprosto zklamaný
to be extremely displeased – být nesmírně nespokojen
this situation is completely unsatisfactory – situace je zcela neuspokojivá
to resolve this problem – v zájmu vyřešení (tohoto) problému
to provide a full refund – poskytnout plnou náhradu/úhradu

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