May 1st

May 1st is a national holiday in the Czech Republic. For some Czech people May 1st is the Day of Love when young couples should kiss under a blooming cherry tree to ensure a year of good health and good luck. In Prague, couples usually go for a walk up in the Prague’s Petřín Park and they meet at the statue of Karel Hynek Mácha, the Czech Romantic poet.

But May 1st is mainly Labour Day which commemorates the historic achievements of the Labour movement in the world. Back in the communist era there were huge celebrations on that day. In all cities
massive events celebrating Labour Day took place.

The biggest parades were held in Prague in Letna Plain. The participation in those celebrations was mandatory. And the scenario was the same all the time – people marching along streets, waving little flags, then gathering in front of a tribune and listening to the speeches of the communist party officials. It was fun for children but a waste of time for most adults. This era is gone and now we can celebrate the day however we like.


 blooming cherry tree – kvetoucí třešeň
to ensure – zajistit/zaručit
to commemorate – připomínat
to take place – konat se

to hold – konat/uspořádat
mandatory – povinný/závazný
to march – pochodovat
to wave – mávat


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