
Every year, I am always happy that spring is on its way and that winter is over. I enjoy the longer days, warmer weather and spending time in my garden. I also love all the new vegetables that are in season in spring – my favourite is asparagus, but I also love green beans and new potatoes. I make lots of salads and soups.

I try and grow as many vegetables as I can too. I have a garden at my
weekend house and a greenhouse on my balcony, which is where I grow
plants that need lots of sun and warmth.

I also enjoy going to beer gardens around the city and sitting in the sun, even though it isn’t always very warm! For the first few weeks, I think that spring is great. Then I remember that I am allergic to many Czech trees. At first, it isn’t too bad. My nose is a bit itchy and my eyes sting, but that’s all. By the middle of spring, though, I can hardly breathe and I scare people because my eyes are very red and swollen. Sometimes I take medicine so I feel better, but then all I want to do is sleep all day.


in season – sezónní/v sezóně
asparagus – chřest
greenhouse – skleník
allergic – alergický

to be itchy – svědět
to sting – pálit (oči)
to scare sb – děsit/strašit
swollen – oteklý/napuchlý


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