Kate’s diary – part 3 (phrases with PUT)

Dear Diary,It’s another beautiful day, sunny and warm. Perfect! It’s Jenny’s birthday today. Brad and I are going to put some birthday decorations up and bake a cake. We’ve bought a lamp for Jenny and now Brad is trying to put all its parts together.

One more thing – a few of Jenny’s friends are coming to visit her for a
week. They’re going to stay in our flat. We don’t mind putting them up.
That will be nice for a change. Oh, I think I have to go and help Brad
with the lamp. He seems to be stuck…

After the party:

The party was superb! We had a great time. The only thing I didn’t like was James (Jenny’s friend) and his smoking. He smoked like a chimney! I really can’t put up with chain-smokers! Brad toasted to Jenny’s health and said ‘Let’s put away our worries and live for the moment!’ which was nice because that’s what Brad really does! OK, it’s time I washed up and put away all the dirty dishes. Yuck! I think I will put it off until tomorrow; I’m just too tired and it’s already too late today. I’ll only put the candles out and go to bed.


to put decorations up – pověsit/rozvěsit výzdobu
to put all its parts together – složit všechny jeho části
don’t mind putting them up – nevadí, že je ubytujeme
to put up with chain-smokers – snášet náruživé kuřáky

to put away our worries – odložit starosti
to put away all the dirty dishes – sklidit špinavé nádobí
to put it off until – odložit (na později)
to put the candles out – zhasnout svíčky


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