Eva Herzigová was born on March 10, 1973 in Litvínov, Czech Republic.
She was active in many sports, such as gymnastics, basketball, track,
and cross-country skiing but when she was sixteen years old she entered
and won a beauty contest in Prague.
She was given a contract by Metropolitan Models, a French modelling agency who sponsored the contest. After arriving in Paris she beca me a popular supermodel. Two years later she was chosen to be a model for ‘Guess? Jeans’, which brought her international fame and recognition. Eva’s first important appearance was in the Miss Wonderbra campaign in the 1990s.
She has appeared in multiple fashion magazines worldwide and began acting in 1995. Her debut role was in the French film Les Anges Gardiens. In addition to modelling and acting she is also an entrepreneur and launched her own line of swimwear called EH Beachwear in 2004.
Eva speaks four languages: English, Czech, Russian and French. Her hobbies include pottery, horseback riding, and riding her Harley Davidson motorcycles. She loves French, Italian and Japanese cuisine.
track (athletics) – lehká atletika debut role – premiérová role/debut |
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