Ice hockey

Ice hockey (sometimes just called hockey) is a very popular winter sport that is played in many countries. No one is exactly sure where or when the sport was invented, but the first official match, with two teams and a final score, was played in Montreal, Canada in 1875. 

Since this time, ice  hockey has become extremely popular all over the world and a favourite sport in countries such as Canada, Sweden, Finland, Russia and of course the Czech Republic. Hockey is played by two teams of six players on an ice rink. The players try to use their hockey stick to hit the puck into the net of the other team. This is called a goal, and the winner is the team with the most goals at the end of the match.

There are several important hockey competitions every year. Two of these are the World Championship, which takes place every spring in different countries, and the Stanley Cup final. The Stanley Cup is for the best team in the NHL (National Hockey League), which has teams in Canada and the U.S.A. This league has players from all over the world – including many great Czechs!


to invent – vynalézt/vymyslet
score – výsledek
ice rink – kluziště
hockey stick – hokejka
puck – puk
net – síť
competition – soutěž
World Championship – mistrovství světa

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